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10 Tips for Making Outpatient Treatment Successful

Addiction is draining and life-threatening. Deciding to get out and do better is the first step of recovery so congratulations on having the will to get better.

December 13, 2022
Dr. Daren Lipshitz

Taking the outpatient approach works for many, however, it requires a lot of focus and discipline. At Studio 64 Recovery we believe everyone can recover from addiction and regain their health. We’ve come up with some outpatient treatment tips that will aid in your recovery journey. Know What to Expect Knowing what to expect will help you along your recovery journey. Your recovery will take some time and therefore it is important to be patient and anticipate some tough times. Having this in mind will go a long way in helping you develop resilience knowing there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Due Diligence

It is important to acquaint yourself with the treatment programs. Doing so will help you prepare for the costs involved and you’ll get to know what is required of you during the treatment. You’ll also know if you need to make adjustments to your work or school schedule. It is also important to find out if the treatment center and the programs offered are certified by the relevant authorities.

Educate Yourself About Addiction Treatment

Educate yourself about your addiction and find out all you can about it. Also, read about other people who overcame the addiction and how they did it. This information will help you during your withdrawal phase. You will also find useful insights that you’ll relate to during your recovery. Doing this greatly increases your chances for recovery.

Don't Let Family and Friends Interfere with Treatment

On your recovery journey you’ll have to forgo some time with family and friends. It might not be easy to miss out on parties and family gatherings at times but it's necessary for your recovery. You need to avoid drugs and alcohol at all costs in order to recover from your addiction. During this time it is important to be around people who are trying to get better. You can join support groups to help cope with the loneliness and get support from people like you who are trying to get better.

Beware of Biological Changes

Your body is about to go through some changes. It is important to be aware of these changes and find a way to cope with the changes. For example during the withdrawal phase you will feel the urge to indulge in drugs or alcohol. During this phase it is important to stick to your guns and not give into the urge to indulge.

Stay in Touch With the Treatment Center

It is important to stay in touch with the treatment centre so they can monitor your progress and advise you accordingly. Staying in touch with them can also help you better cope with the changes that come with recovery. Their priority is to get you clean and sober so whatever help you require they are your best bet.

Don't Give Up

It is going to get hard and you’ll be tempted to quit and fall back to addiction. You need to know this and have the strength to overcome this urge. Being sober is a lifelong process and treatment is just the beginning. Remember what addition has made you lose and let that be the motivation to help you get free.

Ask for Help When you Need It

The recovery journey is not easy. There are days  you may feel you cannot go on and are on the verge of giving up. During these times it is important to seek help. Get in touch with your treatment center or consult with your therapist. They have helped lots of people before you facing similar situations. They will guide you on what to do and help you get over the rough patches. So anytime you feel overwhelmed don’t shy away from seeking help. You are trying to do better and there’s nothing to be ashamed about.

Keep an Open Mind

Don't be rigid when it comes to your treatment. You can change things up during your recovery if a situation arises that doesn’t suit your recovery. It is also important to distinguish between making up excuses and genuinely needing some changes. Remember your body wants you to quit and give in to addiction so it’s important to evaluate your situation adequately. Be sure to consult with your treatment center about the changes and find the best approach to go about it.

Enjoy your Recovery

You are finally getting free of addiction. Enjoy the small wins along the way. You will notice for example that some negative thoughts will start to fade overtime. You’ll also start feeling more positive generally. This might take some time but rest assured you will get there. You are giving yourself a chance to get better and start over so you're already winning. Stay positive, notice the changes happening around you and celebrate the small wins. Overtime they add up and you’ll soon realize that you’re free from your addiction.


The time has come and you’ve finally summed up energy to take on your recovery journey. These tips will go a long way in helping you have a successful outpatient recovery journey. Studio 64 Recovery is a certified and reputable rehab center in the CA area. They have a dedicated and certified team of professionals that will help you with your recovery journey. Get in touch with them today and get the help you require to regain control of your life.

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