
Who is Studio 64 Recovery

Our Story

As longtime members of California's addiction treatment community, we have a unique understanding of what is happening on the streets. We recognize that the U.S. substance abuse problem is likely to get worse before it gets better. To address current and future needs for outpatient care, we are introducing our Studio 64 Recovery Intensive Outpatient Program.

Studio 64 Recovery is manned by some of the best therapists and administrative staff members in the addiction treatment community. Our focus is on addressing the needs of clients who cannot or will not commit to residential treatment regardless of the reasoning. Our staff members are people who have a thorough understanding of the issues addiction sufferers have to face every day, and many of them have walked in your shoes, overcoming their own struggle with addiction.

It's noteworthy that our therapists are very adept at dealing with co-occurring disorders. We collectively understand that our client's future in recovery is tied to our ability to help them address any issues that may be prompting their substance abuse. That includes helping them learn to cope with issues like depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and personal trauma from sexual/mental abuse. We are compelled to help our clients improve in every aspect of their lives through better coping and life skills.

Develop social and vocational skills

During an IOP level of care, you will attend therapy, groups, and other courses specifically designed for the betterment of your future.

Meet supportive peers

A typical day at our IOP is a mix of unique therapies, learning good social skills, experiences to strengthen your innate talents, help finding work, and support groups of staff and peers all fighting the same battle as you.

Learn to maintain sobriety

Studio 64 Recovery's Intensive Outpatient Program allows you to maintain a more normal daily routine, while helping you go from active addiction to building a fulfilling life during your long-term recovery.

Our Team

Gabe McGrade


Christine Chakarian

Clinical Director

Dr. Daren Lipshitz

Medical Director

Bill Leavit


Vanessa Souisa


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