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Who is Studio 64 Recovery

Our Story

As longtime members of California's addiction treatment community, we have a unique understanding of what is happening on the streets. We recognize that the U.S. substance abuse problem is likely to get worse before it gets better. To address current and future needs for outpatient care, we are introducing our Studio 64 Recovery Intensive Outpatient Program.

Studio 64 Recovery is manned by some of the best therapists and administrative staff members in the addiction treatment community. Our focus is on addressing the needs of clients who cannot or will not commit to residential treatment regardless of the reasoning. Our staff members are people who have a thorough understanding of the issues addiction sufferers have to face every day, and many of them have walked in your shoes, overcoming their own struggle with addiction.

It's noteworthy that our therapists are very adept at dealing with co-occurring disorders. We collectively understand that our client's future in recovery is tied to our ability to help them address any issues that may be prompting their substance abuse. That includes helping them learn to cope with issues like depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and personal trauma from sexual/mental abuse. We are compelled to help our clients improve in every aspect of their lives through better coping and life skills.

Our Mission

There is no point in trying to deny it. There is a significant drug abuse problem in America. With the proliferation of fentanyl now on the streets, the drug abuse problem is quickly reaching critical mass.

As a result of the aforementioned issues, it has become increasingly difficult for top drug and alcohol addiction centers to provide bed space for a fast-growing number of prospective residential treatment clients. The problem is pretty much the same for other treatment centers from shore to shore. For us, the solution is clear. The need for better and more effective outpatient treatment programs has never been higher. That is why we are proud to announce the launch of Studio 64 Recovery.

Our Studio 64 Recovery program stands as one of the most ambitious Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) in the country. We are launching this program as a means for addressing America's, and more specifically California's, increasing need for quality outpatient care.

Our Process

The IOP treatment process doesn't vary far from what a residential treatment client might experience. The only material difference is IOP patients will sleep in the comfort of their own beds at night.

Patients are required to report for treatment at predetermined times. Since we are dealing with a lot of people in need, it's crucial that all of our clients show up every time on time. When they arrive each day, the work begins.

While much of the outpatient treatment approach focuses on individual therapy, there is room available for group therapy as well. At Studio 64, we are trying to create an all-inclusive treatment environment. We strongly prefer a diversified group of clients who can help and learn from each other.

For us, it's important that what we do in our facility emulates what is happening in society. California has one of the most diversified cultures in the world. We recognize that as our clients learn to cope better in their day-to-day lives, they need to be learning to do that in a familiar setting. We want to teach our patients to be accepting of the differences in people while embracing the similarities.

Going through the addiction treatment process is all about learning to cope with life on life's terms. Our treatment options are all designed to help clients learn the truth about their addictions. Then and only then will they be able to develop the tools they will need for recovery and a lifetime of abstinence.

In the next few sections, we want to offer some insight into the different treatment programs we offer in the Studio 64 Recovery Center approach to treatment.

A Discussion About Co-occurring Disorders

Through the extensive work our founders and staff members have done through the years, we have acquired a thorough understanding of what drives most people's addiction issues. In fact, it's mental health issues that seem to cause a great number of people to seek refuge in substance abuse. When there is a causational relationship between a client's addiction and possible mental health issues, we refer to that client as having co-occurring disorders.

We want to be very clear about two things. First, it's very possible for a client to suffer from a mental illness that is not tied in any way to their addiction. In such a case, we would not diagnose the client as having co-occurring disorders. Our therapists could still work with such a client on their mental health issue or issues, but treatment would focus mostly on their addiction.

Second, not all clients are aware that they are suffering from a mental health issue. It's amazing just how many clients will enter our IOP with no knowledge they suffer from mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. While treating them for their addiction issues, our therapists will sometimes come to realize they are dealing with a client who has co-occurring disorders. When this happens, the therapist in charge will have to immediately shift treatment gears towards "Dual Diagnosis Therapy."

What is Dual Diagnosis Therapy?

When a client gets a diagnosis of co-occurring disorders, there is clearly a relationship between their addiction and their mental health issues. That can work both ways. Some clients have turned to substance abuse as a way of coping with their mental health issues. Going in the other direction, other clients will incur mental health issues because of their substance abuse. Regardless of how the client's co-occurring disorders came to be, the recommended treatment process would be Dual Diagnosis Therapy.

In a Dual Diagnosis Therapy treatment model, it's mandatory that the client gets treatment for all disorders simultaneously. Why? Because of the causation factor, both issues need resolution at the same time. If this doesn't happen, the untreated disorder would very likely interfere with the addiction recovery process. Let us cite an example.


Client A enters our Studio 64 Recovery IOP. During the intake process, they inform our administrator that they have been diagnosed with Bipolar I. We further see evidence that their Bipolar disorder directly led to their addiction. If we proceeded to only treat their addiction, there would likely come a time when the Bipolar disorder would lead the client right back to substance abuse. In a lot of cases, that would be the unavoidable consequence of not treating the co-occurring disorders at the same time.

Managing the Dual Diagnosis Therapy Process

For our staff at Studio 64 Recovery, clients with co-occurring disorders create an interesting challenge. Since they need two very different kinds of therapy at the same time, we have to come up with the resources for providing these different kinds of therapy.

In addressing this need, we have a few options. If by chance one of our addiction treatment specialists at the time is licensed to treat mental health issues, they will be well suited to handle the entire Dual Diagnosis Therapy process for a client on their own. If we don't have a therapist who is licensed to treat both disorders, we will assign a staff psychologist to focus on the mental health treatment.

Will Dual Diagnosis Therapy Work as Part of an IOP?

While including Dual Diagnosis Therapy within the boundaries of an IOP offers challenges, it's something we can definitely manage. We have a strong team of therapists who have the licensing required to provide both addiction and mental health treatment.

For the client, it might end up requiring them to spend more time in our treatment facility. They would in fact be working on several serious problems at the same time. They would in turn need to invest whatever time would be required to get through all of their relevant issues.

Our directive is very clear. We must do whatever we have to in order to make sure our clients finish our IOP with an excellent chance of maintaining their recovery. Anything less than that is not acceptable to us. If that means we need to address the element of mental health issues, that is exactly what we will do.

Why Following Strict Rules Benefits your Recovery

The success of any kind of outpatient program is predicated on a patients ability and willingness to follow very strict rules. The rules are quite similar to what an inpatient client would have to follow. Here are a few of the rules that our IOP patients must follow:

  • There will be zero tolerance for any kind of substance abuse. Prescription medications will only be allowed when absolutely necessary
  • Each client must be willing to submit to random drug testing upon reporting for treatment
  • Each client is expected to put forth the maximum effort and show growth and improvement throughout the treatment process
  • Clients must show up on time for all scheduled appointments

Should any person consistently show an unwillingness or inability to follow these rules, we may be forced to request they agree to residential treatment or seek care elsewhere. As compassionate people, our staff members will always give each person every chance for success in our Studio 64 Recovery program.

Develop social and vocational skills
During an IOP level of care, you will attend therapy, groups, and other courses specifically designed for the betterment of your future.
Meet supportive peers
A typical day at our IOP is a mix of unique therapies, learning good social skills, experiences to strengthen your innate talents, help finding work, and support groups of staff and peers all fighting the same battle as you.
Learn to maintain sobriety
Studio 64 Recovery's Intensive Outpatient Program allows you to maintain a more normal daily routine, while helping you go from active addiction to building a fulfilling life during your long-term recovery.
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